Many of us look at life as something that happens to us, like we are a victim of our circumstances.
In reality, we are a lot more powerful than we realise when it comes to creating our own destiny. The more we can understand and unleash our potential, the more we can create the life we want. We invite you to embark on a Consciousness Journey to unleash the perfect you.
The Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness* programs that we’ll use to help you on this journey have stood the test of time by surviving thousands of years. We’ve submitted them to extensive scientific testing, confirming their effectiveness today.
The most known of these technologies is the Transcendental Meditation* technique. We work with many other technologies, including herbs, massages, sound therapies, light therapies, etc., which, over millennia, have enhanced positive qualities and reduced negative ones.
highest self
with others
better health
CEO Dr Tony Nader honoured
CEO Dr Tony Nader honoured

Create a Better You
Create a Better You

To understand how such simple technologies can provide so many benefits, book in for a free 30-min Consciousness Session.
During the session, you will be able to:
Meet Your Consciousness Advisor*
Meet a certified advisor who can explain how Consciousness works, why it is so powerful and what you can do to improve your life.
Receive Guidance
Get recommendations that you can start to implement immediately.
Learn from Experts
Get help to find local experts for the more advanced technologies.
Design Your Journey
Have the opportunity to sign up for paid sessions with your advisor to help you design your personalised journey and be your personal step-by-step guide.
Your Consciousness Advisor
Our highly trained advisors can be a personal guide on your Consciousness Journey. They can help you prioritise what is right for you at this point in time and can help you to implement positive changes in your life.

Debra Jones
Consciousness, helpful, thoughtful, professional
I have a passion for helping people tap into their inner potential and live...>
I have a passion for helping people tap into their inner potential and live a fulfilling life. I've always been fascinated by the human mind and its incredible capacity for growth and transformation. After years of studying and teaching Consciousness-Based modalities and practices, I want to share the benefits of these practices with more people.
My focus is on helping professional, corporate, and institutional clients achieve greater clarity, focus, and well-being through the Transcendental Meditation technique and other Consciousness-Based techniques. I believe these practices can help individuals achieve greater success in all areas of their lives, from their careers to their personal relationships.
With my experience in teaching in corporate and professional settings, I have gained insight into the challenges people face in these environments. I strive to provide practical and effective tools to help individuals manage stress and enhance their overall well-being.
My goal as a certified Consciousness Advisor is empowerment for my clients to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life by connecting with their inner selves and finding greater balance and harmony in all areas of their lives. Whether you’re looking to enhance your productivity, improve your relationships, or simply find greater peace and happiness, I’m here to support and guide you on your journey toward greater consciousness and well-being.
Susi Halley
Professional, Grandmother, Life-Long Seeker
Knowledge and people, the two loves of my life. Naturally when the opportunity came...>
Knowledge and people, the two loves of my life. Naturally when the opportunity came up to share the highest knowledge of the Maharishi’s Technologies of Consciousness program with people who could benefit, I immediately signed up to become a Consciousness Advisor expert.
As a mother and grandmother of a large family, a perennial student, and a professional manager, I know firsthand the challenges we face at home and in the workplace. Maybe family generational issues won't budge, or our own personal problems or lack of fulfillment follow us into our later years no matter how hard we try. This may sound familiar!
Fortunately, today we have tools available such as the Transcendental Meditation technique and other modalities, which can easily heal us personally and as a family. Even long-standing issues can improve, analogous to how turning on a light dispels the darkness no matter how long it’s been there.
I have three master’s degrees: Management from Bluffton University and Maharishi Vedic Science and SAP Finance from Maharishi International University. I began practicing TM in 1968 and became a TM Teacher in 1971. My background both personally and professionally puts me in a unique position to help you identify your needs, goals, and deeply held desires in life, so that you can begin to apply these techniques and thus experience greater healing, wholeness, and bliss for yourself and for your loved ones. Let’s do this journey together!

Ana Realpe
A transformative partner for your consciousness journey. Spanish (mother tongue) - Una compañera transformadora para tu camino en la conciencia
Yes, a partner in consciousness, for you and for everyone who, like me, walks...>
Yes, a partner in consciousness, for you and for everyone who, like me, walks the path of self-discovery and has decided to stop and take a look at what we have been doing with our precious life-energy and our creativity.
I built a career as an engineer and business professional who finds the best solutions to problems. I know how to get things done. And I have also seen how we lose track of our wellbeing in the process. Then, stress and unhappiness take a toll, and we find ourselves sick and frustrated. This is why I learned how to stop in the middle of the process and take a deep breath. I invite you to do the same. As your consciousness advisor, I believe you deserve a pause for yourself. A moment to observe your own creation and become the master of your creative intelligence. Are you enjoying the canvas of your life? Or do you feel the need to add different colors? I am here to accompany you into the journey of consciousness.
I have been practicing Transcendental Meditation for more than 30 years. And I can affirm to you that it is a life-changer! My journey into consciousness started in Medellin, Colombia, as an engineering student. And then it took me to the Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa. There, in the golden domes of MIU, I applied myself to do research into consciousness every day for several years. I graduated with a master's in business administration and honors in self-consciousness research, and then my path took me to Europe and around the US. Currently, I live and work in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
And now my journey is taking me to be your partner in your own research in consciousness. As your consciousness advisor, I will listen to you. I will be there to reflect with you, and I will share with you ancient knowledge that will transform you and your life!
We all deserve to live a happy and balanced life. A life connected with nature, with our community; and a life infused with joyful relationships. And this is the life we achieve when we release the stress of our daily activities and connect to deeper levels of awareness via simple mind and body techniques known for centuries. Let's talk!
(Spanish - mother tongue)
Sí, una compañera en la conciencia, para ti y para todos los que, como yo, caminan por el camino del autodescubrimiento y han decidido detenerse y echar un vistazo a lo que hemos estado haciendo con nuestra preciosa energía vital y nuestra creatividad.
Me formé como ingeniera y profesional en manejo de empresas, para encontrar e implementar las mejores soluciones a los problemas. Sé cómo hacer las cosas. Y también me he dado cuenta de cómo nos perdemos en el proceso y nos olvidamos de nuestro bienestar. Y, sin darnos tiempo, el estrés y la falta de amor a nosotros mismos nos pasan factura, y entonces llegan las enfermedades y la infelicidad. Por ello aprendí a detenerme en medio del proceso y a respirar profundamente. Te invito a hacer lo mismo. Como consejera de conciencia, creo que mereces una pausa para ti mismo. Un momento para observar tu propia creación y convertirte en el maestro de tu inteligencia creativa. ¿Estás disfrutando el lienzo de tu vida? ¿O sientes la necesidad de agregar diferentes colores? Estoy aquí para acompañarte en el viaje de la conciencia.
Llevo más de 30 años practicando la Meditación Trascendental y puedo afirmarte que cambia la vida! Mi viaje en la conciencia comenzó en Medellín, Colombia, cuando apenas era estudiante de ingeniería. De ahí me llevó a la Universidad Internacional de Maharishi en Fairfield, Iowa. Allí, en las cúpulas doradas de MIU, me dediqué a investigar la conciencia todos los días, durante varios años. Me gradué con una maestría en administración de empresas y con honores en investigación de la autoconciencia. Mi camino me llevó a Europa y a varias ciudades de EEUU. Actualmente vivo y trabajo en Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Y ahora mi viaje me lleva a ser la compañera de tu propia investigación. Como tu consejera de conciencia, te voy a acompañar y a escuchar. Estaré allí para reflexionar contigo, y compartiré contigo el conocimiento ancestral que te transformará y cambiará tu vida.
Todos merecemos vivir una vida feliz y en equilibrio con la naturaleza. Una vida para disfrutar de la naturaleza y de nuestra comunidad; y una vida llena de relaciones alegres. Esta es la vida que está a nuestro alcance cuando nos liberamos del estrés en nuestro quehacer cotidiano y nos conectamos con niveles más profundos de conciencia a través de técnicas simples para la mente y el cuerpo conocidas desde hace siglos. ¡Conversemos!
Richard Gomez
Creative Professional & Educational Leader
My core belief is that we are all connected through our shared source of...>
My core belief is that we are all connected through our shared source of creation. From that source comes all intelligence and creativity that define and structure our humanity.
I believe that we are intimately connected to our environment; the choices we make affect all forms of life, and through harmonization within our society and with the Earth, we will see humanity prosper and reach new levels of evolution. I believe to strengthen society as a whole we must strengthen ourselves as individuals.
This is why I help creative and motivated individuals whose goal is personal enlightenment and enacting social change toward progress and evolution. Through my background as a father, an educator, and an artist, my expertise would be most beneficial to parents and families and those in the fields of education and the arts to create growth in their environment. Sometimes feeling stuck in our lives, whether in our work, relationships, past trauma, or destructive mental narratives, prevents us from truly experiencing the joy of life and fully expressing who we are and what new ideas, skills, and talents we can offer to the world. By introducing practice of the Transcendental Meditation technique (among a wide variety of Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness I can offer as a certified Consciousness Advisor), my clients will easily and naturally achieve deep rest, inner peace, and lasting contentment in their lives amidst the sometimes apparent chaos on the surface.
As a client you will learn to dive into the ocean of pure Consciousness, will emerge into activity feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, and will be able to meet the challenges of life with a new-found bliss and ease in your work. You will find creative solutions presenting themselves more frequently, will see personal relationships becoming more fulfilling, and will meet personal goals with more ease, efficiency, and joy.

Paul Wilson
Consciousness Encyclopedia, MBA, Author
I believe each of us is an ocean in a drop, a “complex simplicity.”...>
I believe each of us is an ocean in a drop, a “complex simplicity.” My endorphin zone is the spiritual progress of genuine seekers, even beginners, and providing the needed knowledge and experience to rocket them to their next level of “best.”
You are my ideal client if you want to know more about the nature of life and your relationship to it, in the deepest sense. I became a certified Consciousness Advisor because I’m here to help, following decades of spiritual work, begun at the age of nine.
I am also a certified instructor of the Transcendental Meditation technique, the foundation of the broad and unique Consciousness Advisor toolset I am eager to share with you. I have taught over 500 people, including veterans with PTSD, CEOs with overwhelming tension, addicts, educators, students, entrepreneurs, health professionals, clergy, retirees, corporate work groups, and many other people.
Judith White
Connect to Solutions
I like to connect my friends to what they value, and to what helps...>
I like to connect my friends to what they value, and to what helps them fulfill their desires. I listen to their needs, interests, strengths, and goals. As a certified Consciousness Advisor, I also use our online assessment tool to add more detailed clarity.
One of my favorite activities is thinking with people about their efforts when they are starting new things. I connect them to solutions and teach them how to make the best use of the answers we consider. Often, we need new solutions to old problems and need help to change habits to use the new knowledge. I build on personal skills, and incorporate individual interests to help meet their goals.
I became a Consciousness Advisor because this program was designed to help all who want to use our full potential to joyously, quickly, and reliably become all we can be.
A bonus I bring is that I’m an avid reader who tracks down information to find answers I want to know. I also have my lifetime of experience from research into Consciousness as a field of all possibilities. In addition, I have lived on four continents with people from multiple cultures.
The Consciousness Advisors program has unlimited tools. All Consciousness Advisors can speed anyone's progress beautifully. Whether you and I work together one on one or meet in another context, I wish you blissful expansion of happiness as we all grow together.
Jean Irwin
Optimal Health and Wellness Enthusiast
Our world is a beautiful place filled with individuals looking to better their own...>
Our world is a beautiful place filled with individuals looking to better their own lives and those of their families and friends. But so many often wonder how to achieve this amidst all of life’s changing circumstances and situations.
I’ve enjoyed working for many years in administrating and teaching the simple, effortless TM technique in the U.S. and around the world. I have witnessed individuals from many cultures and backgrounds begin to grow in greater intelligence, improved health, greater problem-solving abilities, and more compassion toward others when they simply added this technique to their daily lives.
As a certified Maharishi AyurVeda consultant, I have worked with numerous clients, young and old, who have seen great improvements in their lives after adopting some simple but profound modalities for nourishing the mind, body, behavior, and environment. Inspired by the far-reaching effects of these technologies and the paradigm shift they validate, I also became a certified Consciousness Advisor.
As your Consciousness Advisor, I will be there to support you on an incredible journey of self-discovery — diving deep into your most cherished goals and the knowledge and Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness to fulfill these goals in an effortless, natural manner. Life is here to enjoy and to be lived on the highest level of human potential. I very much look forward to being your champion on your own personal journey toward greater and greater success in all areas of life.

Monique Ferre
Mother, educator, empowering for success
Life is often a matter of perspective, is the glass half full or half empty?...>
Life is often a matter of perspective, is the glass half full or half empty? Are we doubting, questioning, or just desiring for more? How can we fill it up our glass a little more, and again a little more?
My role as a Certified Consciousnesses Advisor is to help you identify your needs and priorities and to support you in reaching your goals, making you glass fuller, and fuller.
There is a wide range of Maharishi Technologies of Consciousnesses, available to enrich our inner well being, help us truly care for our Self, answer the deep questions, and take us to higher layers of fulfillment.
Through my life as a student, mother, educator, and holistic health passionate, I continue to grow, in both my personal and professional life, utilizing the different tools and modalities for the development of Consciousnesses, including the practice of the Transcendental Meditation program.
I am looking forward to listening to you, and together design the path to help you discover your highest potential.
I am fluent in both English and French.

Michael Neer
Creative Catalyst for a Great Life
As an educator and Consciousness Advisor, I have noticed that many people I meet...
>As an educator and Consciousness Advisor, I have noticed that many people I meet want to be the best and give the most to those they love and to our world. Whether we work in an office, teach in a classroom, or serve another way, we want to make life brighter. My passion is to help people bring out this greatness, to shine their light, by listening to their concerns, asking questions, and advising on new possibilities.
I’ve worked in businesses as an editor/publisher/curriculum specialist, and as an educator, I’ve taught at all levels from kindergarten to college. I’ve also published five novels for children and adults to inspire them to live a healthy, happy life. I’ve received awards for my work as a teacher, journalist, and author.
It’s also been my good fortune to teach the Transcendental Meditation technique since 1977 and practice other Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness. These experiences have given me a deep support system of clarity, energy, and inner peace. This has allowed me to remain calm and effective amidst the daily pressures and deadlines I face.
Too often, people are burdened by stress, worn out from many responsibilities, and unable to give their best. By working together, we can find solutions that transform your spark of greatness into a bright glow of more love, health, happiness, and success in daily life.
That’s why I want to share with you these unique technologies of consciousness. They will help you get the answers you need to establish an inner foundation of balance and happiness. You will uncover ways to live your fullest and contribute the most in your professional and personal life. Think of it as digging deeper to reach higher!

John Freeman
Consciousness-Based Wellness Expert
As a certified Consciousness Advisor, I believe that the easiest and most effective way...
>As a certified Consciousness Advisor, I believe that the easiest and most effective way to improve health and happiness is by attending to that which is most essential and intimate—our own consciousness.
My desire is that you will overcome all problems in life, personal and professional, and that you will enjoy better health, a happier and more peaceful mind, and more fulfilling relationships. This is why I help people of all ages, professions, cultures, and experiences in life with knowledge and technologies of consciousness.
There are 14 Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness that develop our consciousness in different ways. The primary technology is the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique where you experience your own consciousness in its pure state.
During our Consciousness Advisor meetings, you will become familiar with the role consciousness plays in your life, and according to your preference, you will experience various Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness.
I have been a teacher of TM for over 40 years and have become familiar with each of the Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness. I am the director of the Transcendental Meditation program in San Luis Obispo, California.
I look forward to sharing these natural, powerful, and time-tested Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness with you. As a Consciousness Advisor, it will be my pleasure to accompany you on your Consciousness Journey.

Sachin Deshmukh
An Appointment with Self
I believe all the world is my friend when I stretch out my hand...>
I believe all the world is my friend when I stretch out my hand and smile, and when I live from above. My global following, which connects me with people in both the East and West, empowers me to create eternal friendships with all.
I was born into a family of yoga masters, trained under several monks, and exposed to diverse Vedic traditions and philosophies. Growing up listening to Maharishi, not everything made sense. However, now I fully comprehend what he was saying and his vision. As he always used to say, “Knowledge always sticks with you.” Maharishi’s Consciousness-Based approach to Ayurveda really drew my attention, and its application has only been deepened with my practice of the TM technique.
I am always open and love to work with all people. When anyone engages with me, I encourage them to follow their journey to their full potential. It is my pleasure to empower them to understand and implement various Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness. I have been drawn since my earliest days to the field of medicine with zest to bring life to every life through service-oriented approaches.
I am trained as a physician in India. I led the Department of Natural Therapies and Yogic Sciences at a general and cancer hospital along with my own private practice. I hold several degrees and diplomas in holistic medicine, homeopathy, Maharishi AyurVeda, and yoga therapy. My diverse background encompasses culinary medicine, integrative medicine, health and wellness, music, sound, Gandharva Veda music, tabla drums, fine arts, and dramatics. I worked as the editor in chief of a health-and-wellness magazine and published several hundred articles.
Maharishi AyurVeda, integrative lifestyle medicine, and mind-body are my main fields of expertise. I am well-versed in the interconnectedness of each of the Maharishi Technologies of Consciousness and their influence on our inner and outer environments. I am affiliated with many diverse global community-based and academic organizations. I am not a licensed physician in the US.
Vasudhaiva Kutumbkam means “All the world is my family”!
My vision for all people is for life to be enhanced individually and bring them fulfillment. My mission is to make the TM technique a household name and to touch every heart by Maharishi’s legacy to make earth a living heaven.